In the Wake
In the Wake
Social Justice Parenting with Dr. Traci Baxley
Dr. Traci Baxley is a mother of five, consultant, educator and coach dedicated to supporting families, organizations and corporations in developing diversity & inclusion practices that lead to meaningful relationships, genuine belonging and high productivity. She is also the creator of Social Justice Parenting®, a philosophy that moves families from fear-based parenting to creating spaces of belonging through compassion, radical love and social justice engagement.
In this episode, Traci takes us through her Social Justice Parenting model and philosophy and the types of conversations that parents need to be having with their children. She explains how Social Justice Parenting is rooted in radical love and is not equivalent to parenting out of fear along with why we should not be keeping our kids in the dark when it comes to what is happening in the world.
We discuss the following talking points:
- Why social justice parenting is not equivalent to parenting out of fear
- How social justice activism is rooted in radical love
- Her Social Justice Parenting model using the acronym ROCKS
- How to begin these conversations around social issues
- Why we should not keep our kids in the dark about what's happening in the world
Tune in to hear more of her wisdom & insight!!
Connect with Traci & her work:
- Instagram: @socialjusticeparenting
- Facebook: Social Justice Parenting
- Website: www.socialjusticeparenting.com
- Book: Social Justice Parenting: How to Raise Compassionate, Anti-Racist, Justice-Minded Kids in an Unjust World by Traci Baxley
- TEDx Talk: Social Justice Parenting by Traci Baxley
Follow along with the rest of my journey.
- Instagram:
- Facebook: Whytli Rogers
- Twitter: @whytli
- Pinterest: Whytli
- TikTok: @whytli
- LinkedIn: Whytli Rogers
- Website: whytli.com
- Contact me here.