In the Wake
In the Wake
Autism Awareness with Antonio Myers
Antonio Myers is a D.C. resident on the autism spectrum. He believes that autism is his super blessing as he's a high-school valedictorian, college graduate, world traveler, podcast host, speaker/writer, and disability advocate.
"For Antonio Myers, life with autism has always felt like sitting in a movie theater. Everyone is watching the same film, but he’s the only one wearing 3-D glasses. He says, “I am able to see more, behind the scenes, which enables me to understand more of what’s in front of me. It makes me able to see people as human before anything else which also makes me very good at compassionate grieving or just bearing with people. My very first words at the age of four were: Stop bullying my friend!"
In this episode, Antonio shares with us his experiences facing the stigmas and stereotypes of autism and breaking beyond the limiting beliefs and boxes the world put him in.
We discuss the following talking points:
- Myths or misconceptions around autism
- How these myths have personally affected him
- His ideas for reforming education & accessibility
- His experiences of abuse & healing
- Language preferences around autism
Tune in to hear the rest of Antonio's story!!
Connect with Antonio & his work:
- Podcast: Tonio Time Daily
- Blog:
- Instagram: @highlypraiseworthygracemayor
- Facebook: Antonio Myers
- YouTube: Tonio Time Daily
Resources Provided by Antonio:
- Department on Disability Services
- The Brewer Foundation
- Inclusion 2021 Conference
- Included. Supported. Empowered.
- Article about the DSP Academy
Song: My Feet Keep Dancing by Chic
Follow along with the rest of my journey.
- Instagram:
- Facebook: Whytli Rogers
- Twitter: @whytli
- Pinterest: Whytli
- TikTok: @whytli
- LinkedIn: Whytli Rogers
- Website:
- Contact me here.